About Lis Sur Mer Cottages
Magical • Private • Romantic
“I always wanted to live here, even before I knew such a place existed. I dreamed of a cabin: a miniature, makeshift home, and of being a writer and living alone beside the sea. In the dream I assumed I would somehow get here through purity of character and natural destiny, and would live, I suppose like the lilies of the field…”
— Cynthia Huntington
from THE SALT HOUSE, A Summer on the Dunes of Cape Cod
“Magical” is the word most often used to describe Lis Sur Mer. The cottages at Lis Sur Mer were purposely designed and maintained to be old world eclectic, funky, unique, to inspire a true Old Cape Cod experience. The property was designed to create privacy between the three cottages. Dunes were sculpted and extensive plantings of rose bushes, black pine, English oak and olive trees were arranged as if they had always been growing there, protecting the privacy of each cottage. Most people feel that they are in another country when they first see Lis Sur Mer and we are proud of its uniqueness. Read more >>